Cancer and Sexuality
Can you speak about sexuality issues associated with being a young adult with cancer?
We have been contacted on behalf of an editor who is composing an eBook for Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) cancer patients to help address sexuality issues that they face after their cancer diagnosis. Your experience can help pave the road for those future survivors so your input is greatly appreciated.
Papers can be 500-1000 words in length. The format is to identify the problem/issue and provide take-away tips or advice for readers, based on the writer’s personal experience.
Topics include:
- body image (loss of body parts ie. breast, testicle, hair, etc)
- changes to anatomy and the physiology of sexual functioning
- issues specific to LGBT survivors
- strategies for dealing with scars and other visible reminders of cancer (hair loss, weight gain/loss)
- information about meeting potential partners, dating, hooking up, maintaining established relationships
- tips for disclosure about cancer (when and how to disclose to a potential partner)
If you would like to participate, please contact Mike Craycraft in confidence and we will put you in contact with the editor.
Thanks for Your Consideration,