1-on-1 support
Our 1-on-1 Navigation and Support program means that you are gaining a new partner in your care. Besides being survivors, we know testicular cancer. We've published papers and even helped review drafts of national guidelines for testicular cancer. Our goal is to make sure you are getting the best of care and having all of your needs met. From complicated terms, to treatment options, to connecting with expert physicians, every diagnosis is different and our website can't address all of your unique needs. That is why our 1-on-1 Navigation and Support program is so important, but you'll never realize all the ways we can help until you reach out and let us know what is going on. Once we connect, whether you want to call, text or email us, we'll be here for you day and night, holidays and weekends as your "survivor brother."
Online communities
Finding other people with similar stories and real life experiences with testicular cancer is important. Whether you are worried about symptoms or during treatment and beyond, you can find valuable information and advice our TC-Cancer.com Forums has a plethora of valuable information from men and caregivers that have been affected by testicular cancer. The forums are open for browsing or you can sign up to make your own posts.
- TC-Cancer.com Forums is the the world's largest testicular cancer forum. Started over a decade ago, the testicular cancer support forums have over 11,000 members that have contributed to more than 18,000 threads and over 165,000 posts. That is a ton of real-life experience and knowledge. There is also a search function to help you find what you are looking for.

Major topics include:
- Just diagnosed
- Testicular cancer research library
- Treatments after orchiectomy
- Chemotherapy medications
- Living with testicular cancer
- Caregivers space
- 2X Warriors - cancer in both testicles
- Health insurance and financial issues and much more.
TC-Net email support. Our friends at the Testicular Cancer Resource Center have two different email lists that you can subscribe to. Once subscribed you can post questions via email to the other members that have registered. The email list is full of people that have been affected by testicular cancer. You will also receive questions posted by other users and have the option of replying your response. The TC-Net Email Support is a great way to get the information you need about symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, survivorship and caregiver support. There are two lists, TC-Net and TC-Supporters. The TC-Net list is the most active but feel free to subscribe to both.
Join TC-Net
Facebook Groups. Facebook Groups can be an excellent place for information and support. However, we do caution that these groups may be private or public, are open for anyone to join, are attached to your real name and can be a bit unreliable. Please use caution when it comes to concerns for privacy and accuracy of the information. If you're exploring Facebook groups, we recommend:
Global Testicular Cancer Awareness and Support Group
Testicular Cancer Commons
Testicular Cancer Support Group
Testicular Cancer UK -
Reddit has an active subreddit for testicular cancer and like the TC Forums, allows for more anonymous interactions as you don't have to use your real name.
Testicular Cancer Subreddit
Financial support
A majority of guys diagnosed with testicular cancer face the financial hardship of having to take time off work and the associated costs of treatment. If you are facing financial difficulties, please realize you are not alone. Unfortunately, financial support directly related to testicular cancer can be difficult to find and many times unavailable. Asking a case manager or social worker at your treatment center is often the best place to start as they may know of local resources that we are not aware of. Reach out to us directly as well and we can work with you 1-on-1 to find resources and most importantly make sure you have access to the care that you need.
- Crowdfunding makes it simple for your loved ones and others to support you during your time of need. It isn't easy to ask others for financial support but you can also use your page to post updates of your care along the way. That way you are not having to spend all of your time updating everyone and the donation function of the page can be an added bonus. Your page can become a hub of support, filled with heartfelt messages from your donors. That type of support allows you to focus your energy on recovery rather than worry about bills. You can start a page for yourself or a loved one to help pay for treatments costs, travel expenses, and more at gofundme.com
- Cancerfinances.org has a toolkit to help you guide you through some key topics that may impact your financial situation. Whether you are newly diagnosed, or many years past active treatment, this site can help you navigate the finance issues that arise during this times. Check out the Cancer Finances toolkit
Local support programs and services
The American Cancer Society has many resources that help support people with cancer and their loved ones. And best of all, their help is free. You can connect with these resources, whether you are a cancer patient, caregiver of a person with cancer, community leader or volunteer, health care professional, or someone who wants to know about programs and services. Search for programs in your area.
Other resources
- MyLifeLine.org arranging schedules, asking for help and keeping everyone updated on your progress can become daunting. That is where MyLifeLine.org can be such a great help. In a matter of minutes you can create a page to share all of your updates (so that you're not having to repeat them to everyone) and even create a helping calendar to have others help with simple things like bringing over meals or giving you rides to treatments. You may have a lot of people say, "Let me know if you need anything" and let's face it, it is hard to say, "I need my grass cut on Tuesdays." With the helping calendar you can just add what you need done and invite thoes who offered to the page, pretty simple. Create a MyLifeLine.org page.