Learn about testicular cancer
A little knowledge about testicular cancer can empower caregivers with the information they need to be able to provide an array of support to the testicular cancer fighter and alleviate some fears.
To get more information about testicular cancer, visit our page About TC and for more detailed information visit our Guidelines and Experts page.
1-on-1 support
Your needs as a caregiver and those of your testicular cancer survivor can be vastly different and our website can't possibly meet them all. That is why we are here on a 1-on-1 basis to support you and help connect you to available resources. However, you'll never know how much we can help until you reach out to us and let us know a bit more about what is going on.
Being a caregiver can be a long process. Many times, when the treatments are over, is when your survivor can suddenly face difficulties and even suffer from the long-term effects of treatments, which puts added stress on you both. Whether you want to connect with us via email, phone calls or text we are here day and night, weekends and holidays to support you for the long-haul.
Being a caregiver is no easy task and it comes with its own unique emotional challenges but you are not alone and you can learn from others that have been in your situation.
Online communities
Forums and email lists
Being a caregiver means that you are going to have a lot of day to day stresses and coping with them is not an easy task. You have to realize that you need to take care of yourself as well. And the better you take care of yourself the better you will be for your testicular cancer survivor. One of the best ways of coping is to share your experiences and learn from others. The good news is that you are not alone and you can find a lot of comfort in others that are, or have been going through similar situations.

TC-Cancer.com Forum
Our TC-Cancer.com Forums, the largest testicular cancer forums in the world, have a specific Caregivers Space that offers over 400 topics and over 12,000 posts specifically related to being a testicular cancer caregiver. You can read through and learn from others or join the forum and post about your own situation to others in this incredibly supportive community that we highly recommend joining.
Join the TC-Cancer Caregiver Forum
The Testicular Cancer Resource Center email support. Our friends at the Testicular Cancer Resource Center have two different email lists: one for patients (TC-Net) and one more for supporters (TC-Supporters). Once subscribed you can post questions via email to the other members. The email list is full of people that have been affected by testicular cancer and it is a great way to get the information about symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, survivorship and caregiver support. This is an incredibly supportive community and we highly recommend joining.
Join TC-Supporters
TCS Caregiver Spotlights features caregivers who have submitted their stories in their own words. Take a moment to see what others have experienced. If you would like to share your story then we would love to share it with others. You may find just sharing your story can be incredibly helpful.
Visit TCS Caregiver Spotlight
Facebook Groups can be an excellent place for information and support. However, we do caution that these groups may be private or public, are open for anyone to join, are attached to your real name and can be a bit unreliable. Please use caution when it comes to concerns for privacy and accuracy of the information. If you're exploring Facebook groups, we recommend:
Global Testicular Cancer Awareness and Support Group
Testicular Cancer Commons
Testicular Cancer Support Group
Testicular Cancer UK
Reddit has an active subreddit for testicular cancer and like the TC Forums, allows for more anonymous interactions as you don't have to use your real name.
Testicular Cancer Subreddit
Help from friends, family, and people around you
Managing the needs of your testicular cancer fighter on top of normal daily activities can get hectic quickly and most likely there are others that want to help but just don't know what to do. Families in crisis are often overwhelmed with many offers of help and phone calls to return. But there are ways to make caregiver support simple and efficient.

Keeping everyone updated with your or your survivors progress and needs can be complex and exhausting. That is where MyLifeLine.org can really help. In minutes, your private community webpage comes with a blog for keeping everyone updated and a helping calendar for posting needed help. It’s an easy way to:
- organize need for help for meals delivery, rides, and visits
- easily communicate and share updates and photos (so that your not having to say the same thing over and over again)
Financial support
The majority of those touched by testicular cancer face the financial hardships of having to take time off work and the associated costs of treatment. If you are facing financial difficulties, please realize you are not alone. Unfortunately, financial support directly related to testicular cancer can be difficult to find and many times unavailable. Asking a case manager or social worker at your survivors treatment center is often the best place to start as they may know of local resources that we are not aware of. Reach out to us directly as well and we can work with you 1-on-1 to find resources that you and your survivor need.
Asking friends or family for financial support during this difficult time may be a huge challenge. But crowdfunding makes it simple for friends, loved ones and others to support you and your survivor during your time of need. It isn't easy to ask others for financial support but you can also use your page to post updates along the way. That way you are not having to spend all of your time updating everyone and the donation function of the page can be an added bonus. Your page can become a hub of support, filled with heartfelt messages from your donors. That type of support allows you to focus your energy on caregiving and recovery rather than worry about bills.
Gofundme.com is a FREE fundraising platform that allows you to raise much needed money so you can stop worrying about financial barriers.You can start a page for yourself or a loved one to help pay for treatments costs, travel expenses, and more.
You can start a campaign for a loved one at gofundme.com
Cancerfinances.org has a toolkit to help you guide you through some key topics that may impact your/your survivors financial situation. Whether your survivor is newly diagnosed, or many years past active treatment, this site can help you navigate the finance issues that arise during this times.
Check out the Cancer Finances toolkit