Only 1 in 3 Guys Know How to Check Their Testicles

Testicular cancer is the leading cause of cancer in guys age 15-35, yet a January 2015 survey indicates that only 1 in 3 young men know how to do a self-testicular exam.


The Testicular Cancer Society asked 500 young men, age 18-34, in the U.S., "Do you know how to do a self-testicular exam?"

32% of the respondents indicated Yes.

49% of respondents indicated No.

19% of respondents indicated I'm Not Sure.


If caught and treated early testicular cancer is almost 100% curable. However, if diagnosed in later stages the survival rates drop and the treatment burdens are increased. A monthly testicular self-exam can help men become more familiar with their bodies, lead to early detection of testicular cancer and possibly save their life because they've noticed changes.


What is troubling about the survey is that the men surveyed, age 18-34, are also men that are in the age group most at risk for the disease. 


In October 2014, the Testicular Cancer Society released their Ball Checker app in hopes of educating more men about how to do self-exams. Besides self-exam instructions, the app, available on iTunes and Google Play, allows men to schedule a reminder to do their monthly self-exam. You can learn more about the app at


For more information on this survey, please contact the Testicular Cancer Society.